Roland L. Gomez
Roland L. Gomez

Mr. Roland Gomez is the Director of Operations with The Ambrose Group. Mr. Gomez has 13 years of appraisal experience in the valuation of commercial real estate and is a Certified General Real Estate Appraiser. His professional experience includes all aspects of commercial valuation fee work. Mr. Gomez graduated from the University of Houston with a Bachelor of Music with an emphasis in Music Business.


Mr. Gomez's additional responsibilities include the management of the company's computer systems and business procedures. Roland's experience as an appraiser and technical abilities provide him the insight that is required to oversee the company's means of communication and operating procedures. From the creation of databases to updating security systems to on-boarding new employees, Mr. Gomez ensures the company's processes are current and seamless.


Mr. Gomez has also been extensively involved in the company's Right-of-Way Department. His contributions include the implementation of the mapping software ArcGIS® Pro, the reorganization of appraisal report production, and the creation of a new eminent domain budgeting service that caters to both private and government entities.